I came across the idea of sun tea while browsing through one of my favorite blogs,
Design Sponge. I don't drink much else other then water, coffee, tea and the occasional glass of wine. Sometimes it would be nice to have a cold drink with a little more flavour but most juices and pops are laden with sugar. That is why sun tea caught my interest.
I looked up several recipes but they all vary widely. So tonight I just decided to make up my own sun tea by throwing a bunch of stuff into a glass jar (or large measuring cup because that was all I could find in the cupboard) I had some left over mint sprigs and lemon from my dinner so that is what I used.
Traditionally, you throw your herbs into a jar, fill it with cold water and let it sit in a sunny window to brew all day. At the end of the day you pop it into the fridge to cool for a few hours before you serve it in a tall glass with a few cubes of ice. Other sites I came across suggested speeding up the process by adding boiling water to the jar instead of cold and placing it in the fridge as soon as it cooled down a little. I went with speedy version. If you want to read a more detailed post about sun tea visit the Design Sponge blog by clicking
here.The end result...it was good. I was not blown away but it was different way to enjoy a refreshing glass of water. I actually diluted it with a little more cold water to tame it down a little. It would even be nice with a splash of vodka (not that alcohol is allowed on the
GI Diet)
SERVED WITH: This would be a nice accompaniment to any meal.
TIPS: When you boil the water and add it to the herbs it discolours them a little so they are not as pretty to look at. I imagine if you made it the traditional way the herbs would maintain their bright green appearance.
RATING:7. I think if I experiment with some different flavours I could come up with a mixture that I would really enjoy.