Now I know I am not the best photographer and these pictures don't always turn out that great. In fact I am usually in a hurry to eat and snap a quick photo while the dish is on the dinner table waiting to be eaten. So please excuse the poor quality pictures with bad lighting.
Now that it's the fall I have started focusing some attention on soups. I am not a huge soup fan but my husband is. He works outside and enjoys coming home to a warm bowl of comfort after a chilly day spent outside.
SERVED WITH: A slice of toast, wholewheat of course
COOKING TIPS: To make this soup you have to roast your veggies and that takes a while, one hour to be exact. I for one don't have that kind of time to cook when I get home from work so I roasted the veggies on my day off on Monday and popped them in the fridge until today. That way all I had to do today was puree the veggies, mix it with the stock, beans and bacon and heat up. Then it was ready in less then 20 minutes.
RATING: 7. I would definitely make this soup again.
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